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Chris and Melissa Petersen

Youth Pastor and Administrative Lead Y

Youth Pastor and Administrationme.

Title. Double click me.

Pastor Chris has been youth pastor at Static Youth Church for 1 1/2 years. With a heart for seeing youth come alive, Chris puts his mind and energy on his rag tag group of wild hooligans. Married in July 2013, Melissa Petersen has come alongside the vision of pastor Chris. Goofy, caring, and hardwoorking, Melissa has given her heart to the teens of Static Youth as well.   1

Jesse Bofill

Guys Wolf Pack Lead/ Youth Assistant

Jesse has a strong heart for using his testimony to lead the youth of this generation to Christ. As our guys wolf pack leader, Jesse leads our youth into open and heartfelt discussions on the person of Jesus, the walk of the believer, and the pursuit of life abundant. He plays guitar and slays ladies.

Shayne Bofill

Sound Engineer





If you have never met Shayne, you are probably his best friend and you don't know it yet. He lives an adventerous life alongside Christ and has a heart that bleeds compassion. He touches up our sound like a doctor operates. Energy drinks have literally replaced the blood in his body.akin

Alayna Alonge

Girls Wolfpack Lead/ Worship Assistant


Alayna loves the act of ministry. She wishes she was BFF's with Tyler Joseph of Twenty One Pilots, and she leads our girls wolf pack. You'll catch her on the stage worshipping her guts out and getting the youth kids to join in as well.

Jeremy Heartman

Go-to Guy

If you look up the term "Servan't Heart" In the dictionary you'll see a picture of Jeremy's face right next to it. This guy just wants to do whatever he can to help the youth group function so that teenagers can come to know Christ. The dude loves Nascar, and wants to own a local racing team someday.

Sheree Personious

Worship Assistant

Sheree can do keys and sing and brings it to our youth worship team. While encompasing both the aspect of 

"chill" and "goofy", Sheree brings our youth into greater joy in their walk with God

Angelo Tamez

Worship Assistant

Angelo also can keys. With a piano. Angelo loves to serve and use his musical skills to bring about good worship. A lover of fantasy and philosophy, and a maker of the worst puns ever, Angelo breathes life into our ministry

Chirae Dayton

Go To-Er

One simple phrase describes Chirae: Kid-At-Heart. Chirae genuinly loves Jesus Christ and just wants to serve in any way she can to see teenagers do the same. Goofy and laughing, she brings a good atmosphere to our youth ministry

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